Monday 22 September 2014

Transition Task

Transition Task Brief
- To work in a group of 3/4 people, to plan and produce a reconstruction of an existing music video. The reconstruction must be one minute long.

The chosen video
The video we have decided to reconstruct is Sam Smith - Stay With Me. This song is currently in the charts and has a simple video that accompanies it. In the video they're two location, a normal street that features parked cars and houses. The second location is a simple room that has a few windows as the background. Within the video there is only one central person that performs throughout the video. We have decided to reconstruct the scenes from 0:40 to 1:40 in the video, the group felt like this is a good section as it swaps locations and feature the main body of the song. The full minute we have chosen is all performance.

Camera Work
The chosen scene is good as it allows us to practice our camera skills, the shot from 0:40 to 1:05 is a single backwards track shot. We thought this is good to practice for our A2 project and may provide useful later on. The second shot is a static mid shot that slowly zooms. This we thought was useful also as it allows us to practice correct framing and lighting.

Cinematography and Mise-En-Scene

We went through the clip we was reconstructing and noted down the shot types used and what costume was needed. This will help us when going into production as well as editing as we will know what type of shot we need when filming and what costume. It will also help during editing as we know the exact order of the clips that we have filmed and we know what times to cut to the next location etc.
Location and Props
When looking through the chosen section we found the specific locations we need and some props that we may need when filming. In terms of set we would need a typical street with many parked cars and houses on either side. This is a simple location and we had no trouble finding one that fit well. The second location is again rather simple and we would need a room that features windows as the background. For props we may need a grey quilt, along with lamps and chairs for our second location.

Due to the selected video we only needed one person. For the reconstruction we chose to use someone from our media class as they would be available for filming during lessons and would be reliable. The person we casted was Leo, we chose him because of the reason above and was also confident in performing the song.

Verse One: 
Guess it's true, I'm not good at a one-night stand
But I still need love 'cause I'm just a man
These nights never seem to go to plan
I don't want you to leave, will you hold my hand?

Oh, won't you stay with me?
'Cause you're all I need
This ain't love, it's clear to see
But darling, stay with me

These are the lyrics that are featured in our one minute section, our cast member Leo learnt the lyrics before filming. The song was easy to learn as it is sang rather slow and is very clear. This would mean that our cast would not jumble up words or miss pronoce them, this would make lip syncing hard. 

Final Reconstrucion

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